Retirement and Property Calculators
Retirement & Pension Calculators
Retirement Income Planner
Quick and easy overview of income requirements in retirement with a suggested action plan to meet any shortfall.
State Pension Age Calculator
Calculates the age an individual qualifies for the state pension.
Immediate v Deferred Pension Comparison
Compare the effect of taking a deferred pension versus an immediate pension of smaller value and visually demonstrate when it becomes advantageous.

Early v Normal Retirement Comparison
See how taking an early retirement impacts on income compared to that of normal retirement age.
Indexed v Level Annuity Comparison
Compare the difference between a level annuity and an index linked one.
Pension Drawdown Cash Calculator
Evaluates the implications of withdrawing from crystallised and/or uncrystallised pension funds. Calculates the gross, net & tax free amounts and the tax withheld if on emergency month 1 basis and the balance to reclaim from HMRC. Shows the reduction in pension income at retirement as a result of the withdrawal.
NEW - Projected Benefits Comparison Calculator
Compares projected fund values of current pension scheme(s) against a proposed scheme. For fuller details click here.
Property & Mortgage Calculators
Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) Calculator
Calculate the stamp duty due on the purchase of a property in England & Northern Ireland.
Land & Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Calculator
Calculate the transaction tax due on the purchase of a property in Scotland.
Land Transaction Tax (LTT) Calculator
Calculate the transaction tax due on the purchase of a property in Wales.
Mortgage Repayments Calculator
Calculate the monthly repayments and APR for a repayment, interest only or part & part mortgage.
Rental Property Yield Calculator
Calculate the overall yield of a rental property.
For details of the other calculators click on the links below:
Cashflow Modelling and Taxation Calculators
Investment and Loan Calculators
Calculator Features